Configuring Power Automate with Your KanBo

Table of Contents

This article will guide you trough configuring Microsoft Power Automate with your KanBo.

  1. Contact support about the KanBo Oauth package.
  2. After you receive the package, move it to the /bin folder and make sure you have the line in your <plugins> section in web.config:

<plugin-loader-assembly name="KanBo.Oauth"></plugin-loader-assembly

  1. Put this before your </plugins> line:

<auth.oauth issuer="[issuer name]">
    <cert type="x509-store" store-name="my" store-location="localmachine" key="thumbprint"
        value="[thumbprint value]" valid-only="false">

  1. Create a certificate:
    • Generate a new certificate. Use this Powershell command:
    • Change KanBo credentials to the display name of the cert you require. Change the kanbo_azure to your name.

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "kanbo credentials" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"
	$cert | Export-Certificate -FilePath kanbo_azure.cer

  1. Go to MMC -> certificates -> local machine and export the certificate.

  1. Configure your certificate in Azure: link
  2. Go to KanBo Web App and select TLS/SSL settings.

  1. Go to Prive key certificate and Upload certificate.

  1. Upload the PFX file and type the password. Then hit upload.

  1. Go to configuration and edit the WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES value.
  2. In case, you use only one cert for KanBo, type the Thumbprint of the new cert in value.

    In case you use more than one certs in KanBo, make sure you type " * " in value field.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.

  1. Go to the Kudu editor. In your Azure Web App Development Tools, select Advanced Tools.

  1. Open the link.

  1. Select debug console -> Powershell.

  1. Go to site -> wwwroot and open web.config in editor.
  2. Change the value in the configuration you applied before.
  3. Go to[your KanBo url]&iss=[issuer name]
  4. The site will generate values for you. 
    Paste the <client> code before </auth.oauth> line
  5. Then send the Targets array to the support team at, where they will paste it in the right areas.

  1. Now you can start using power automate.

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