Activity Stream

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Activity stream is a feature that can be compared to a journal. It is a list of activities with information about the time when they happened. Use it to read about all actions that take place on a space or a card. 

If you need to find the specific information in the activity stream, try to set one of the three detail levels: Comments, Relevant, or Everything. Learn more about the differences between activity stream’s detail levels.

Every action in KanBo will be instantly recorded in related card and space activity streams. It will also occur in the activity stream of the user who performed it since each user has an activity stream.

Discover activity streams

Activity stream is a complex idea. It exists both on a space and a card. When you make an action in a card, it will also be shown in space and in your personal activity stream. If other users make changes to a card you follow, you will get a notification about this fact.

  • card activity stream – all activity related to a specific card. Visible to all space users.
  • space activity stream – all activities and changes within a specific space. Visible to all space users.
  • user activity stream – all activity related to a specific user. Keep in mind that you may not have permission to see everything.

Every card, space, and user has its activity stream.

It does not mean that you can see everyone’s activity. Only actions that happened on the spaces and cards you have access to, will be visible to you.

Activity counter

The number of actions that have occurred on the card since your last visit is highlighted with a bell icon on the card front. 

You can find the icon of the activity stream on the space tile too. It is located in the lower left corner. 

The space activity counter is also located on the Navigation Panel. You can find it next to the space name.

Learn how to use it

The activity stream consists of a list of actions in chronological order, with responsible users and assigned dates.

  • You can change the way actions are displayed by setting different detail levels.
  • You can add a bookmark to important actions to save it for yourself.
  • Find out when was the last visit to the card of other users with the card presence indicator.

When you hover over a date (e.g. 3 hours ago, 2 months ago) you will see the exact date and hour of action.


Yes, all space actions are presented in the space activity stream, which includes actions related to the cards on that space. All cards have a card activity stream section. There is a room for comments too. 

There are three detail levels to choose from – everything, relevant, and comments.

You can see only this user’s actions that are related to spaces you have access to.

Yes. With real-time work, which is a fundamental KanBo feature, you will be always up to date with changes made by other users. You don’t have to refresh your browser to see recent activity.

If you can see a number next to the space name on the navigation panel, it is a notification counter. It informs about the number of unread notifications.

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